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  4. Insurance

In case of accident


Regarding Voluntary Insurance


Insurance/Compensation: limits range covered by the insurance (yen)

The limited insurance amount will be paid when you had an accident.

Medical expenses are not covered. For these please contract a travel insurance from your home country before departing.

Bodily Injury/Death per person Unlimited per person (only in case of permanent disability)
Property Damage per occurrence 10million yen (Deductible: 50,000 yen)
Injury of a passenger and/or driver 5 million yen per passenger (only in case of permanent disability. Doesn't apply to 50cc motorcycles)
Theft insurance 50% of motorcycle current market price
Non-Operation Charge

If you can bring the motorcycle to the shop by yourself : 20,000 yen.
If you cannot bring the motorcycle by yourself : 50,000 yen + tow truck charges

In case of rental vehicle’s theft

Theft Compensation is included for all our vehicle's rental and its compensation covers 50% of the current motorcycle's market value set by our company on the vehicle. However, theft compensation do not apply in the following cases.

  • In case you forget to lock the handle
  • In case you forget vehicle's keys

*Customer is charged for any other damage included in theft damage exceeding theft compensation explained above. Therefore be extremely careful when leaving your rental motorcycle on the road.

In any case of troubles or problems during your rental, feel free to contact Moto Tours JAPAN call center (English available)

Non Operation Charge

In the unlikely event of an accident, we will request compensation if the rented vehicle cannot be rented again for repair. This Non Operation Charge will be billed separately even if you have subscribed to the “Collision Damage Waiver".

Also, riding with mirrors, blinkers, headlights or other security components in a damaged, broken or missing state is not only legally punishable, but also extremely dangerous.

In the event of such an accident, make sure to call a wrecker. Even in case of a return by forcibly driving in above conditions, you may be charged a 50,000 yen Non Operation Charge based on the damage standard.

If you can bring the motorcycle to the shop by yourself 20,000 yen.
If you cannot bring the motorcycle by yourself 50,000 yen+ tow truck charges

*Non-operation charge cannot be covered with CDW or any other insurance.

The deductible and the amount that exceeds the insurance limit must be paid by the renter. Also, in case of accident involving third parties or their properties please remember to call the police and receive a certificate of accident. Otherwise there is the possibility that the insurance declines to make the payment.


Regarding Collision Damage Waiver and the Deductible

Collision Damage Waiver is a measure, already included in your tour fee, to let you ride with no worries that will cover you in case of accident or crash of the vehicle. Deductible differs from class to class as below.

CLASS Deductible / Occurrence*
P-3・P-4 50,000yen
P-5・P-6・P-7 100,000yen

The deductible is the maximum amount of repairs to be paid by the customer in case of accident. For example, in the case of the P-4 class, if the repair cost is 10,000 yen and since this amount is less than the deductible amount, the customer's charge will be the 10,000 yen of the total repair cost. In case the repair cost will exceed 200,000 yen, customer’s charge will pay the maximum amount of 50,000 yen while the other 150,000 yen will be covered by vehicle’s compensation.
*If the repair price cannot be calculated immediately, we will charge you up to the deductible amount as a deposit, and we will then refund you the amount exceeding the actual repair price.

  • In case of damage to the motorcycle, the renter pays up to this amount. The excess cost is covered by the CDW (without CDW renter must pay full cost of the damage reparation). 

Cases in which insurance and compensation will not be applied

In the event of an accident in one or more of the following circumstances, insurance of collision damage waiver contents may not be applied.

  • Unlicensed driving

  • Drunk driving

  • Driving with no helmet

  • Failure to notify the police from the accident scene (in case the police accident certificate cannot be obtained)

  • In case of settle with the counterpart without permission

  • In case of no contact to the departing store (or main office) from the accident scene

  • In case of accident during rental prolonged time with no permission

  • Vehicle damage caused by theft

  • In case of traveling over vehicle’s capacity

  • In case of traveling outside the public road

  • In case of damages or corrosion caused by a not orthodox or poor use method

  • In case the vehicle is used for several test and/or competitions or for hauling or pushing other vehicles

  • In case of damages to departure shop’s other vehicles or signboards

  • In case of accident due to manipulating errors

  • In case of use violating our company’s agreement

  • In case of accidents still into insurance’s deductible