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2018年ヨーロッパFam Trip 伊豆・箱根・富士山

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2018年ヨーロッパFam Trip 伊豆・箱根・富士山
2017年に⽇本政府観光局 JNTO(以下 JNTOとする)の⾏う「ツーリング等を通じた⽇本各地の魅⼒発信による訪⽇旅⾏促進事業」を受託し、欧州メディア・旅⾏会社を招いたオートバイツーリングのファム・トリップ(Familiarization Trip=招聘ツアー)を企画。2018年3⽉12日〜15⽇4⽇間・伊⾖箱根富⼠エリアにて開催。当企画を通じて欧州エリアに対し⽇本のオートバイツーリングの魅⼒を伝え、訪⽇旅⾏の促進を⾏いました。

For 2018 year's Fam Trip, we invited several European companies with the main concept ”Let's promote Japan as a motorcycle touring country" and make them ride in the Izu peninsula, Yamanashi and Hakone area, with an iconic symbol at the center of our trip: Mount Fuji, the king of Japan. As in our previous Fam Trip, we invited from Italy, Spain and Germany several media companies to promote overseas the beauty of riding on two wheels in the Country of the Rising Sun and also several motorcycle touring companies to let them try as professionist the brand new experience of riding in Japan on two wheels and spead it into their home countries to create new business collaboration opportunities.
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